
RH-ISAC Core Members reflect during this after-action discussion on the Log4j vulnerability. Participants including Ryan Miller of Target, David Xu of Canadian Tire, Ben Vaughn from Hyatt and others will walk through their response effort and discuss lessons learned, any outstanding actions, and recommendations for the future.


  •  Isaac Rego, Lead Analyst, Incident Response, RH-ISAC


  • Ryan Miller, Director, Cyber Threat Intelligence, Target
  • Ben Vaughn, VP & CISO, Hyatt
  • David Xu, Manager, Vulnerability and Threat Intelligence, Cyber Threat Management, Canadian Tire Corporation


This webinar is open to RH-ISAC Core Members only. Ineligible registrants will have their registration canceled. To learn about eligibility, visit https://rhisac.org/membership. Email [email protected] with any questions.