Program Overview
Associate Membership is offered at different levels and price points including Community Services Partner (Tier 1) and Intelligence Partner (Tier 2). Custom developed packages are also available. Associate Member entitlements may include:
- Logo, company name, and website link listed on RH-ISAC website
- Tech Marketplace listing exclusive offer (e.g., discount on product/service) to Core Members for lead generation
- Distribution of thought leadership, resources, and intelligence reports to 260+ Core Members
- Featured as guest writer/contributor in the RH-ISAC website blog
- Opportunity to present at RH-ISAC working groups and threat briefings
- Opportunity to conduct joint research with RH-ISAC and support community RFIs
- Opportunity to collaborate with RH-ISAC CTI team on reports, investigations, and threat analysis
- Opportunity to provide training and education (e.g., CTFs, TTXs, threat hunting or tradecraft workshops) to Core Members
- Invitation to special RH-ISAC events, like the RH-ISAC Member Meeting
- Opportunity to secure 10-15% discount on sponsorships for signature RH-ISAC events (e.g., Cyber Intelligence Summit, Regional Workshops)