automated alerts

We deliver both strategic and tactical information sharing channels, routine threat briefings, an engaging annual conference, and empowering workshops and webinars. We are committed to delivering actionable, relevant cybersecurity data to consumer-facing organizations.

We have a sincere responsibility to help organizations become more effective in fighting cyber threats and therefore help reduce their overall business risk by sharing intelligence and empowering all the individuals that battle it.

The bold beginning

The Retail & Hospitality ISAC was built to create a secure place for retailers to share cybersecurity information and intelligence to not only better protect their own companies, but to also strengthen the entire sector – a rising tide lifting all boats.

What started in 2014 with about 30 companies coming together in Pittsburgh has now grown to include more than 200 Core Members (retailers, restaurants, hotels, gaming casinos, food retailers, consumer products, and other consumer-facing companies) sharing threat information so others can learn, grow, and continue to mature.

Our community also includes Associate Members who share their insights and provide key services to our retail, hospitality, and consumer-facing members.

RH-ISAC is a non-profit 501(c)6 organization formed to serve the retail and hospitality industries.

Tall buildings in the Pittsburgh skyline at sunset..

Your CyberSecurity Team


What we deliver

Real-time, actionable information.

Whether that is in the form of formal and informal benchmarking metrics that you can only find within this community or threat indicators that you can use to strengthen your defenses, RH-ISAC membership can help you transform the way you collaborate and grow – and help you reduce your risks.

Join this community!

If you’re ready to be a part of this community, fill out a membership inquiry today.

Summit 2023

Register for Summit

Our biggest event of the year is coming up soon! Join your RH-ISAC peers October 2-4 in Dallas  for this annual three-day conference featuring interactive, practitioner-led discussions, breakout sessions, and keynote presentations.