In his keynote session, “Creating Operational Efficiencies Through Orchestration and Automation,” at our upcoming Retail Cyber Intelligence Summit, Dave Estlick, CISO of Starbucks discusses how the talent gap is and remains a consistent pain point for organizations of any size. We’re all aware of the huge shortage of talent and, hence, the competition for the qualified candidates that are out there. At Starbucks, they are addressing these issues by investing in both people and technology simultaneously to help mitigate the talent risks.
At Starbucks, Dave and his team explore ways to find areas to automate processes and tasks, while also developing and nurturing cybersecurity talent in order to keep in step with the evolving cybersecurity challenges. , he will Regardless of organization size, he believes this two-prong approach will create operational efficiencies that can organizations remain prepared for the unknown.

And speaking of Starbucks, Andy Kirkland, director of information security, will also be speaking at the conference, leading a breakout session on “Securing the Supply Chain.”
In this session, Andy will help participants explore digital transformation of the supply chain. He will discuss how change doesn’t happen overnight because it takes an understanding of the evolving landscape, and an ability to map supply chain inefficacies [SS1] to business needs and risk. In many cases, network segmentation, vulnerability management, and security assessments are being managed by decade-old systems, and supply chain security remains one of the weakest links in cybersecurity.
Andy will share the Starbucks journey and how it evolved to a digital supply chain. He will discuss the importance of translating key considerations to the non-technical executive, starting with an awareness that retail and hospitality organizations are more digital than ever before.
The Retail Cyber Intelligence Summit is tailored for strategic leaders and cybersecurity practitioners from both physical and online retailers, gaming properties,
grocers, hotels, restaurants, consumer product manufacturers and cybersecurity industry partners. The full conference agenda and information on how to register is available here: