
Strategic and tactical information sharing channels

Join a peer-to-peer network of industry experts from the retail and hospitality sectors to share best practices and threat intelligence in a trusting environment. Expand your network and intelligence program through RH-ISAC strategic and tactical information sharing channels to advance trust, share practical advice and experiences, increase visibility, and improve cyber intelligence capabilities.

RH-ISAC members share real-time cyber intelligence on incidents, threats, vulnerabilities, and associated threat remediation from more than 2,000 analysts, threat hunters, security engineers, and CISOs. Intelligence shared within RH-ISAC provides deeper insights and research into threats and vulnerabilities to help members prioritize industry threats, formulate an intelligence-driven strategy, and mitigate cyber risks with benefits.

RH-ISAC strategic and tactical information sharing channels include:

A man sits on a grey couch with a computer in his lap
A person wearing large headphones work at a computer while the sun sets
5 people make fists and bump them together
4 people work at laptops with coding script on the screen

RH-ISAC is in the unique position to provide industry-specific benchmarking on organizational structure, information security practices and processes, and compliance issues through both formal benchmark studies and informal requests. 

RH-ISAC benchmarking allows members to finally answer C-suite and board-level requests on “How do we compare with our peers?”



Gain access to actionable intelligence, a trusted peer-to-peer network and resources proven to build resilience.