RH-ISAC | Exclusive Offer for Microsoft Customers - RH-ISAC
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As a customer of Microsoft, your company may be eligible for a complimentary three-month RH-ISAC trial membership. 

You will have access to all membership benefits, including shared threat intelligence, the online member community, free registration for RH-ISAC events, and more. 

Complete the form below to get started. If you have questions about company eligibility, please email membership@rhisac.org

Step 1 of 3

  • Company Information

Core Membership in RH-ISAC is limited to organizations within the consumer-facing sector, including retailers, restaurants, hotels, gaming casinos, food retailers, consumer products, and other hospitality companies. 


For security vendors and other partners looking to work with the RH-ISAC, please see the Associate Membership page.