Retail & Hospitality ISAC Announces New Partnerships

360 Privacy, Allure Security, Data Dome, Flare, and Level 6 join RH-ISAC as Associate Members
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Vienna, VA (March 30, 2023) – The Retail & Hospitality Information Sharing and Analysis Center (RH-ISAC) today announced that several cybersecurity solutions providers have joined the organization as new Associate Members.

These companies will help to support the cybersecurity needs of the consumer-facing sector by providing thought leadership, resources, and expert guidance to RH-ISAC Core Members, which include businesses throughout the retail, hospitality, and travel industries.

“We are thrilled to welcome our newest associate members to the Retail and Hospitality ISAC,” said Suzie Squier, president of RH-ISAC. “Their expertise and commitment to security will enhance our collective efforts to protect the industry from cyber threats. By joining forces, we can better identify emerging risks and strengthen our defenses to create a safer, more secure retail and hospitality environment for all.”

The new RH-ISAC Associate Member companies are as follows:

360 Privacy: 360 Privacy protects the digital identity, security, and reputation of high-profile executives. Powered by proprietary technology and an expert team, 360 Privacy correlates, analyzes, and deletes data daily to protect digital identity.

Allure Security: Allure Security protects brands by finding and stopping online brand impersonation attacks before customers fall victim. Their AI-powered engine finds more spoofed websites, social media accounts, and mobile apps more quickly and with greater accuracy than legacy approaches.

DataDome: DataDome’s bot and online fraud protection detects and mitigates attacks with a machine learning solution that analyzes 3 trillion signals per day to adapt to new threats in real-time. Their 24/7 SOC protects enterprises’ mobile apps, websites, and APIs from ATO, scraping, carding, DDoS, credential stuffing, and more.

Flare: Flare’s platform proactively detects threats across the clear and dark web using a simple, flexible approach that empowers customers to monitor dozens of sources for external risk. Flare unifies the core functionalities of cyber threat intelligence, digital risk protection services, and external attack surface management into an effective solution.

Level 6: Level 6 Cybersecurity’s analytic tool suite, LISN, uses the power of AI to analyze what statistically works and fails in cybersecurity, delivering detailed answers to the most pressing information security questions every organization faces. These answers are based on cybersecurity ROI calculations from real-world data, giving cybersecurity decision-makers actionable guidance on what security strategies to employ for maximum organizational benefit.

Interested in learning more about our Associate Member program? Email [email protected] for more information.


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