Retail & Hospitality ISAC Announces New Critical Provider Program

Google Cloud Security, Microsoft, Palo Alto Networks, and Akamai partner with RH-ISAC.
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Vienna, VA (June 20, 2024) – The Retail & Hospitality Information Sharing and Analysis Center (RH-ISAC) announces their new critical provider program in partnership with Google Cloud Security, Microsoft, Palo Alto Networks, and Akamai as tier three associate members. These companies will be supporting RH-ISAC, its board of directors, and Core Membership as strategic partners dedicated to developing cybersecurity maturity in retail, hospitality, travel, and consumer-facing industries.

This executive partnership is based on identified and mutually negotiated advisory activities that directly support the RH-ISAC community through working groups, joint research initiatives, collaboration with the RH-ISAC cyber threat intelligence team, threat briefings, critical advisories, and bulletins, as well as marketing activities such as promotion of webinars, events, and research reports pertinent to retail and commercial services industries. 

“Our new critical provider program and partnership with these prominent organizations will propel the ISAC and its members forward,” said Suzie Squier, president of RH-ISAC. “The knowledge gained from being part of this community is invaluable and constantly growing.”

Each partner will have a few different roles with the RH-ISAC. For example, Google Cloud Security will be focused on providing training and education at in-person events and collaborating with the RH-ISAC CTI team on malicious reporting activity, SEO issues, investigations, and threat analysis.

Microsoft continues to provide thought leadership on data security and retention policies and best practices on securing AI governance, particularly across their products. Most recently, they gave a threat briefing on a financially motivated threat actor focused on gift card fraud threats and did a custom briefing to a member cybersecurity leadership team on operationalizing AI into security operations.

Both Akamai and Palo Alto Networks have been featured at the RH-ISAC Cyber Intelligence Summit and are highly engaged with the RH-ISAC CISO community. Akamai is facilitating a virtual CISO Roundtable on IoT/OT security in July and provides briefings on API security and integration best practices. They also work closely with the RH-ISAC intel team on bot activity and attribution and fraud indicators, including precursor ATO activity.

Palo Alto Networks provides briefings on emerging threats and critical vulnerabilities and has shared templates for key threat metrics used for board reporting. They also host a quarterly Network Security Working group for RH-ISAC members and are sponsoring a full-day CISO Forum as part of the Member Exchange Live! event in September.

Learn more about RH-ISAC and memberships at


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