Benchmark & Trend Reports


CISO Benchmark

Annual benchmark report with data about budgets, personnel, and priorities for InfoSec teams
Verizon DBIR 23

Industry Insights

Analysis of the Verizon DBIR report as it relates to the retail and hospitality sectors
Holiday Trends Report

Holiday Threat Trends

Analysis of the top cyber threats facing the retail and hospitality sectors for the holiday season

Intelligence Summary

Analysis of the RH-ISAC community’s intelligence-sharing output over a three-month period

Org Chart Benchmark

Analysis of infosec team organizational charts and staffing priorities

RH-ISAC Documents & Reports


RH-ISAC Membership Overview

An overview of the benefits of joining RH-ISAC as a Core Member

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to commonly asked questions about RH-ISAC membership

Information Sharing and Transparency

Overview of legal protections for cybersecurity information sharing
Year in Review-Thumbnail

RH-ISAC Year in Review Report

A look back at the key activities and sharing statistics


Gain access to a wide array of cyber intelligence reports and resources, available exclusively to RH-ISAC members.