SideWinder APT Targets Hospitality Entities Across Asia, Middle East, Europe and Africa

Executive Summary

Cybersecurity researchers at SecureList by Kaspersky have uncovered a sophisticated cyber espionage campaign by SideWinder, an Advanced Persistent Threat group targeting hospitality and consulting organizations, among others, across South and Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Europe, and Africa.

The group relies on spear-phishing emails containing malicious documents that exploit CVE-2017-11882, a dated but effective Microsoft Office vulnerability, to deploy StealerBot, a modular post-exploitation toolkit.

Community Impact

The retail and hospitality industries are increasingly being targeted as part of SideWinder’s expanded espionage operations, with evidence of attacks against hotels, real estate agencies, and consulting firms, among others. With the hospitality sector handling large amounts of personal and financial data, RH-ISAC Core Member Organizations should ingest the intelligence included in this report, the original SecureList report, linked above, and review and ingest the Indicators of Compromise, included below.


SideWinder’s attack chains primarily rely on spear-phishing emails containing malicious DOCX documents that exploit CVE-2017-11882, an 8-year-old memory corruption vulnerability in Microsoft Office’s Equation Editor. When executed, the malicious document triggers remote template injection, fetching an RTF file from an attacker-controlled server. This RTF exploit executes embedded shellcode, which downloads and runs JavaScript code using the mshtml.RunHTMLApplication function, which in turn, employs a .NET downloader named ModuleInstaller to ultimately launch StealerBot, an advanced cyberespionage tool designed for data exfiltration, system compromise, and the facilitation of further malicious activities.

Indicators of Compromise

SecureList has provided the following Indicators of Compromise. RH-ISAC Core Members are encouraged to ingest the following Indicators below at the earliest feasible opportunity:

Microsoft Office Documents:


Backdoor Loader:




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