Cross-Industry Fraud Increasing; Trend Drives Organizations to Share Data for Mutual Benefit According to LexisNexis® Fraud Mitigation Study

LexisNexis Risk Solutions today released its annual LexisNexis® Fraud Mitigation Study, which found that people who commit fraud in one industry are increasingly emboldened to exploit other industries, too, giving organizations greater incentive to fight fraud cooperatively by sharing fraud data. The same study showed interest is growing among fraud mitigators to utilize fraud data…

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National ISACs, FBI, USSS and Symantec Collaborate to Fight Business Email Compromise

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 12, 2017Contact: RH-ISAC Press [email protected]   Washington, DC – A group of national ISACs, The U.S. Secret Service (USSS), The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Symantec announced today the organizations are joining forces to offer free workshops around the country on Business Email Compromise (BEC), a significant and growing threat for…

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