Remove the Adversary Advantage with Zero Trust

For many enterprises, zero trust has emerged as the North Star of modern cybersecurity frameworks, designed to help organizations reduce their attack surface and risk by applying principles of least privilege or a “never trust, always verify” approach. Some zero trust-based security controls, like multi-factor authentication (MFA), are designed to add layers of login defense…

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Top Cyberthreats for Hotels

As travel restrictions ease in 2022, hotel InfoSec departments are preparing for an influx of customers as well as an increase in cyber attacks. Hotels secure a large amount of sensitive customer data and have a broad attack surface, so they are common targets for threat actors. Here are five of the top cyber threats…

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We Blocked Big Bots…and Our Data Doesn’t Lie

The stakes remained high for retailers this holiday season, with attackers aggressively focusing their attention on the commerce sector – both in the U.S. and abroad. Several factors played into the increase in malicious activity — the surge in online traffic due to pandemic-related restrictions as well as compounding supply chain issues and associated inventory…

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How To Reduce Your Cyber Insurance Premium

The prospect of loss motivates us to take precautions to reduce the impact an incident will have. It’s why we have insurance for nearly every aspect of our lives, from health insurance to renter’s insurance to a prenuptial agreement. But, even if you do everything right, something could still go wrong. For retail and hospitality…

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Reducing Third-Party Risk with Continuous Monitoring

According to a recent study by SecureLink and Ponemon Institute, 51% of organizations have experienced a data breach caused by a third-party. Despite the growing risk third parties pose however, many companies are still not making securing these relationships a priority. The key to effectively mitigating your third-party risk is making it a continuous process,…

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