New Intelligence Trends Report Analyzes Cyber Threats in the Retail, Hospitality, and Travel Sectors

Vienna, VA (September 29, 2022) – The Retail & Hospitality Information Sharing and Analysis Center (RH-ISAC) today released the first-ever public version of the Retail & Hospitality Intelligence Trends Summary, which analyzes trends in the cyberthreat landscape for the retail, hospitality, and travel sectors. The report sheds light on the top threats and malware families reported…

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Campaign Dropping Cobalt Strike Beacons, RedLine Infostealer, and Amadey Botnet

A recent campaign drops Cobalt Strike Beacons, the RedLine Infostealer, and the Amadey Botnet with malicious scripts using two distinct methods. Context On September 28, 2022, Talos security researchers reported a campaign delivering Cobalt Strike beacons, the RedLine Infostealer, and Amadey botnet executables active since at least August 2022. Cobalt Strike is by far the…

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New “NullMixer” Dropper Spreading Multiple Malware Families

A new dropper named “NullMixer” is spreading multiple malware families, including some seen regularly by the RH-ISAC community. Context On September 26, 2022, researchers at SecureList reported a new dropper they named “NullMixer” which spreads multiple malware families via malicious websites impersonating legitimate software downloads. According to SecureList, in addition to multiple malware families, NullMixer…

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LockBit 3.0 Builder Code Leak Technical Analysis

On September 21, 2022, the LockBit 3.0 ransomware builder named “Black” was leaked online by a developer working for the LockBit threat group. On September 22, 2022, security researchers Yang HuiSeong and Jeong Hyunsik released a technical analysis of the code. The leaked code is currently available on GitHub. Threat Actor Details LockBit is a…

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New Shiktenga Malware Targets IoT Devices for Cryptomining and Remote Access

Context On September 6, 2022, researchers at AT&T Alien Labs reported technical details of a new malware, “Shikitega,” that targets endpoints and internet of things (IoT) devices running Linux operating systems. Once delivered, Shikitega allows actors full remote access to the infected system and installs a cryptominer with persistence. Key takeaways from the report include:…

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