Detecting and Responding to POS Skimmers and Shimmers

The Growing Threat of POS Skimmer and Shimmers Point-of-Sale skimmers and shimmers are a pervasive and growing threat to retailers. Global loses from all forms of credit card fraud are estimated by The Nilson Report to exceed $32 billion in 2019. One fast-growing type of fraud impacting retailers is the use of POS skimmers and shimmers. Secretly…

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The Threat of Online Skimming to Payment Security

Below we cover basic questions with PCI SSC Chief Technology Officer Troy Leach about a newly released bulletin by the PCI SSC and RH-ISAC on the topic of digital skimming and how to detect and prevent this dangerous threat. For more information about best practices for detection and prevention, review the full bulletin here. Q. …

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How To Mitigate Account Takeover In Retail

RH-ISAC article featured on Retail IT Insights. The below is an excerpt from the article. For the full post, visit: Online shopping is pervasive, especially as more and more retailers expand their digital commerce. While online shopping provides a multitude of benefits for both retailers and consumers, it also has created a new threat…

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Compromised Point-of-Sale Data Remains a Staple Among Fraudsters

By Kathleen Weinberger and Roman Sannikov Below is a featured blog post from associate member Flashpoint. This comes as a follow-up to the webinar they presented recently to the RH-ISAC membership. We thank them for their expertise and willingness to share and support the RH-ISAC’s community of retail cybersecurity practitioners.    Fraud is a persistent…

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