Zero Trust – A Verb, Not a Noun

I see so many people reference zero trust as a product, something that you achieve simply by plugging it into a network or installing it on a computer, but it is, in fact, quite the contrary. Zero trust is an action, a process in which you deny everything by default and only give access to…

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Defining Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) for the Retail and Hospitality Community

Over the last few years, zero trust has become the latest buzzword in the security industry, right up there with digital transformation and shift left. For many, zero trust is seen as a marketing ploy, designed to sell yet another product. For others, zero trust is an abstract ideal with no clear implementation path. In…

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Top 5 Cybersecurity Predictions for 2022

The last few years have been challenging for cybersecurity departments who were forced to adapt quickly to rapid digitalization in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. An expanded attack surface has presented new opportunities for cyber criminals, but developing technology holds possibilities for more efficient protection. Here are just a few of the cybersecurity predictions…

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6 Best Practices for Data Breach Protection

Keeping your data safe and protected often seems like an uphill battle. Consistently presenting a hardened attack surface to a would-be attacker and doing so across all the various attack vectors possible is a difficult problem to solve. The attacker only has to be right once, while you and your broader security team have to…

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