Best Practices for Network Vulnerability Management

Best practices for vulnerability management really start with the network. By definition, network vulnerability management touches all aspects of your environment, every connected device, operating system, hardware, software, firewalls, and more. An unsecured Wi-Fi router, an IoT device with over permissive access control, or a firewall misconfiguration could be an entry point for an attacker…

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Using the SANS Vulnerability Management Maturity Model in Your Vulnerability Management Process

It is likely that you already have a vulnerability management process in place, but perhaps you’d like to rate the effectiveness of that program and identify areas that you can improve. The SANS Vulnerability Management Maturity Model is a chart that can help you categorize your current program capabilities and develop a roadmap for improvement….

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Automating Vulnerability Management: From Detection to Remediation

In 1999, the year that the CVE database officially began, there were 894 vulnerabilities identified. In 2021, there were 20,150. The number of vulnerabilities discovered each year has skyrocketed in the last few years, making vulnerability management an increasingly daunting task. With no way to remediate every vulnerability in their systems, security teams are focused…

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The Role of Patch Management in Vulnerability Remediation

A vulnerability is a flaw or weakness in a system that, if exploited, would allow a user to gain unauthorized access to conduct an attack. One of the most common types of vulnerabilities is bugs, or vulnerabilities that exist within software such as operating systems or applications. When one of these bugs is discovered after…

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Why Reporting Results of a Vulnerability Assessment is an Essential Step in Your Vulnerability Management Process

A vulnerability assessment is a comprehensive review of your information system, designed to identify weaknesses causing risk for your organization. Vulnerability assessments are essential in order to proactively prevent attacks and stay in compliance with regulatory requirements. The end result of a vulnerability assessment is a report that you can use as a roadmap for…

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