Member Spotlight: Logan Johnson

Every month, RH-ISAC highlights a member who is making contributions to the global cyber security community and embodying the RH-ISAC mission to protect as one. This month we’re showcasing Logan Johnson, Senior Security Administrator with Discount Tire. Logan first got into cyber security in the US Navy where he worked as an Information Systems Specialist…

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6 Biggest Security-Awareness Program Challenges—And What to Do About Them

When it comes to today’s security challenges, the statistics are alarming. Nearly 7,000 corporate data breaches were reported between 2016 and 2020, with the number rising on average each year. Making matters worse, companies didn’t detect 41 percent of these breaches. And it’s not just big companies getting hit—a whopping  88 percent of small-business owners feel they’re not sufficiently protected…

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RH-ISAC Introduces Best Practices Podcast

RH-ISAC is excited to announce the release of its newest vehicle for information sharing, the Best Practices Podcast. This podcast, sponsored by Fortinet and hosted by RH-ISAC’s Director of CTI Production & Analytics, Aaron Perkins, features interviews with RH-ISAC members sharing information from their security programs that listeners can apply to improve their own organization’s…

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The RH-ISAC Community Continues to Protect as One in a Digital-First World

Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, the retail and hospitality sectors have found ways to not only weather the storm but innovate to adapt and improve their businesses for the new digital-first world. On September 28-29, the RH-ISAC community gathered together online for the 2021 Cyber Intelligence Summit, two days of networking and knowledge…

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The Ease and Benefit of Automating Threat Intel with PyOTI

Between keeping up with your alerts, putting together reports, running through your daily checklists, or whatever else it may be throughout your day, I think one thing we can all agree on is there is never enough time in the day! As I’ve progressed in my career, I’ve tried to become lazier in my work….

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