Okta Breach Update and Analysis

Details continue to emerge regarding the Lapsus$ breach of Okta systems and the impact of the incident on Okta customers and the broader security community. On March 21, 2022, the Lapsus$ cyber threat group posted screenshots on their Telegram channel demonstrating that the group had gained superuser access to Okta systems and access to Okta…

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Reducing Third-Party Risk with Continuous Monitoring

According to a recent study by SecureLink and Ponemon Institute, 51% of organizations have experienced a data breach caused by a third-party. Despite the growing risk third parties pose however, many companies are still not making securing these relationships a priority. The key to effectively mitigating your third-party risk is making it a continuous process,…

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Third-Party Risks Abound in the Digital World

RH-ISAC’s VP of Intelligence, Carlos Kizzee is featured in an article on Hospitality Tech. The below is an excerpt from the article. For the full post, visit: https://hospitalitytech.com/third-party-risks-abound-digital-world Today’s retail and hospitality world is increasingly interconnected, and customers expect to shop in the digital marketplace with minimal friction. Third-party systems are a critical component of…

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Third Party Vendor Risks

The threat landscape has transformed significantly over the last decade. As organizations have invested in security controls, tools and personnel to combat threats, threat actors have found other ways to infect systems and ultimately compromise organizations. As a result, threat actor groups have begun to target third-party vendors. Organizations rely heavily on their third-party vendors…

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