Member Spotlight: Nezha Ould Slimane – Marriott International

We are thrilled to spotlight Nezha Ould Slimane, information security manager at Marriott International, this month. Nezha was recommended for the member spotlight series by a co-worker due to her impressive sharing skills, proactive nature, and sense of teamwork. She is not only a valued member of the Marriott team, but of the RH-ISAC community….

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Palo Alto Networks Builds On Retail and Hospitality Cybersecurity

Over the past year and a half, the retail and hospitality verticals have been challenged, but there are some bright spots – digital investments and innovations have been at the center of helping many organizations stay ahead. Having digital readiness and a robust cybersecurity offering is key to growth in this sector. We are thrilled to…

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Let’s Play a Game: Sharing and Collaboration Challenge

Games are fun. Whether you’re playing a board game with your family, or you’re three hours into the most intense online gaming tournament you’ve ever experienced, games are just something we naturally gravitate toward. Realistically though, as much fun as games are to play, we eventually need to turn off the console, put the board games away,…

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Risky Business: Open Season on Traveler Data

Travel Trends After a year of lockdowns, quarantines, and social distancing companies, and consumers alike have embraced online business like never before. According to Digital Commerce 360, U.S. eCommerce saw a 44% growth in 2020 and a current Longwoods International report shows that 87% of American travelers have travel plans in the next six months. After a 45% decrease in total travel spending in 2020,…

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Top Psychological Tricks Cybercriminals Use Against Retailers

Recently, SecurityAdvisor published a research report entitled, “2021 Report: Human Risk in Cybersecurity,” based on the analysis of more than 500,000 malicious emails targeting senior leaders, mid-managers, and entry-level employees, as well as IT, finance, human resources, and legal teams. A large portion of these attacks utilized various psychological tricks to fool retail workers –…

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